May 11, 2010

365 Project: Day 122

Summer is by FAR my favorite time of year. I worship the sun. Although I do wear sunscreen everyday...even in the winter. During the Summer the days are longer, the nights are all warm and fuzzy, I don't have to wear shoes, I can go swimming and camping, BBQ, 4th of July, fireworks, etc. There are too many good things about summer to list.  
I was able to sit outside this morning and enjoy my breakfast of coffee and cinnamon toast before the wind picked up. Its so nice to take a few minutes to enjoy the morning. Of course, I had been up since 6:52 am and had already gotten a good amount of work done before I decided to enjoy my morning around 9:30 am. At least I made an effort to take a second for myself today. I was proud of myself for that.


ana said...

that really seems lovely. taking time for yourself is definitely a must, even if it is for what seems like a few seconds.

Sara said...

This is a lesson that has been really hard for me to learn. I never take time for myself, but I'm trying to remember that it is really important.