June 17, 2008

My First Blog Experience

Hello Everyone!

The time has come for me to venture out from the safety of my normal life.  I am throwing caution to the wind and starting two businesses! It's going to be challenging and it is definitely very scary, but I think it is going to be great!

Sara Norris Photography, is going to be a two part business.  It will be part portraiture business specializing in photographing pets and children and part fine art photography. My fine art images will be for sale online at saranorris.etsy.com very soon!

It will be a little while before I am ready to create a website for my portraiture work, so I will be using this blog as an alternative for showing my work to the world.

I had my first photoshoot at the beach this past weekend with Mikayla and Abby (the dog).  All was going well until the biggest wave I have ever seen washed up on the shore drowning all of our stuff and my cell phone! I am so glad that my camera didn't get washed away! But, despite getting drenched, I was still able to get some great shots! 

Thank you to Neil, Tina, Mikayla and Abby!

I am so excited to FINALLY be pursuing my longtime dream of becoming a full time photographer. Wish me luck!  

Until next time...

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