October 21, 2010

365 Project: Day 141

I realized something today. As of October 13th, I should have been finished with my 365 project. Alas, I am not even half way done. I was looking back on what I was doing a year ago today, and my life is SO much different than it was then. The pink toenails and library books are still here, but I'm in a completely different place now. I feel like I have grown and changed so much as a person.
 The last year of my life has been a huge learning experience. I feel like I'm headed in a similar, yet different direction than I was then. I'm learning how to be much happier and its actually working. I'm taking responsibility of my financial life, and for once I'm setting goals and planning for my future. I have always believed that a person can do anything they want with their lives. For once, I'm not only believing that I can reach my goals, I'm actually creating a plan to make those things happen. It feels very positive and like I'm taking an active approach to living my life. 


MODERN Prairie Girl said...

Great direction you're heading in, Sara~ so happy for you.

Have enjoyed your imagery...so dreamy and lovely.
Happy week ahead~

Bandada de Palabras said...

Love when people share these kind of ideas. Congratulations, Sarah.